Read our communication regarding new measures our team is enacting in this critical time.
5 Ways to Save on Electricity This Summer
It’s the height of the summer cooling season in Northern Virginia. That means high electric bills as your home’s cooling system deals with the rising temperature and humidity. However, you don’t have to just accept increasing electric bills this time of year. There are a number of things you can do to help keep your summer electric bill in check.
Tips for saving electricity this summer
1. Unplug your electronics. Your television sets, cell phone chargers, and computers all consume energy, even when you’re not using them. Cut down on this unnecessary expense by unplugging these devices when you’re not using them, especially when you head out on vacation.
2. Turn your thermostat up slightly. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you’ll save an average of one percent on your electric bill for every degree you turn up your thermostat. A change of one or two degrees won’t affect your comfort much, but it can make a big impact on your monthly utility bills.
3. Turn down your electric water heater. Just like your thermostat, turning down your water heater just a few degrees can make a big difference in your electric bill plus help reduce the risk of scalding.
4. Close vents and doors to unused rooms. It’s silly to pay to cool rooms that you don’t use or that you use rarely, such as the basement, your guest room or your adult child’s old bedroom. Shut the vents and close the doors to those rooms to save energy.
5. Turn off the lights. Take advantage of the long summer days to cut your light bill. Enjoy candlelit dinners or late night coffee on the patio by candlelight.
Efficiency Planning for Next Season
In addition to those things you can do to impact your electric bill this year, there are several things you can do now that will help with your future bills. Among these are planting shrubs and trees so that they shade your windows during the day and help to reduce the heat transfer from the sun’s rays. In addition, it’s important to schedule your annual tune-up for your air cooling system. A system clogged with dust and dirt has to work harder, using more energy.
Savings with John Nugent & Sons
At John Nugent & Sons, we want to help you and your family do all that you can to save on your electric bill both this year and in the future. We’re electrical experts and have been helping area homeowners like you for more than 40 years. To learn more about saving on your summertime electric bills and/or to schedule an appointment, call us at 703-291-1926.